I’m Courtney! I’m a wife, mom, graphic designer and digital marketing with an addiction to beautiful typefaces.
Currently into: Lululemon leggings, oatmilk (it’s so creamy!). DIY projects around my house, and really good guacamole.
Always into: reading, taking care of my clients, spending time with my friends and family, and binge-listening to Enya while I work. And sarcasm!

In 2002 I joined the yearbook club. My high school was a tiny cluster of about 300 kids in a rural NH town. I had already taken numerous Graphic Design classes, and knew that it was what I was called to do. This club seemed like a natural next - step. We had more fun picking out class photos, senior superlatives, and often fought over where to put which picture.
I always think back to our club with great nostalgia, but what I relish most is remembering long hours hovering over the computer, juggling my notebook, an x-acto knife, and different layout designs. The smell of rubber cement and old photographs coming together were captivating and I could spend hours surrounded by these things. It was this club that led me to apply to Fine Arts school to earn my BFA from Colby- Sawyer College. It was this club that started it all for me, and 20 years later, I am still surrounded by the very things that light my soul on fire, and make me so excited to wake up and work every single day.
So many people dream of a career in the creative industries, but far less people actually do something about it. And for me, being a graphic designer is a job that dreams are made of – fun, flexible and positively overflowing with color and life.